‘Tis the season of heavy snow, fallen trees and damaged property. In populated areas, the possibility of a neighbor’s tree falling onto your property is greater during this time of the year. Who is responsible for the fallen tree is a common question we receive.
The laws in Connecticut regarding trees have often been discussed over the last several years and can be summed up as follows:
If the tree is a healthy tree and was damaged by an “act of God” then the party whose property was damaged is responsible for putting in a claim under their home insurance or out of pocket.
However, if the tree was dead, damaged or neglected then the tree owner is responsible for repairs.
To read more on this topic please see the Connecticut Insurance Department’s website: http://www.ct.gov/cid/cwp/view.asp?q=254640
The best way to determine who is responsible for a fallen tree damage is to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable agent. Cody Holmes of Holmes Insurance in South Windsor welcomes your calls and will help review your situation to give you peace of mind.
Cody Holmes Holmes Insurance, LLC 5 Oakland Road South Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 644-4200 Office
Fallen tree photo credit: Snowmageddon via photopin(license)