Critical FHA Condo Approval Requirements to Sunset 8/31/14
Unless FHA releases a new Mortgagee Letter in the next few days, the temporary guidelines for condominium approvals created in Mortgagee Letter 12-18 will expire on August 31, 2014.
The highlights of the 12-page document include:
Clarification of Under Construction,
Approval Guidance for New Conversions,
Requirements for Non-Residential/Commercial Space,
Insurance requirements for Crime Policies,
Modification of criteria for delinquency rate of unit owners,
Updated Pre-Sale Requirements for new construction,
Updated Owner-Occupancy Requirements for new construction,
Investor ownership, and
Modification of the Project Certification form (Appendix A)
For ordinary, existing condominium projects, the most important of these are the sections regarding investor ownership and unit owner delinquency rate.
. The temporary guidance allowed
in a condominium. Previously, one entity could not own more than 10% of the units. It also allowed for unoccupied and unsold units to
be considered as investor-owned units.
These changes made obtaining an FHA approval easier for new construction and conversions where the developer still owned a large percentage of units.
is now based on the 60-days instead of the 30-days. Initially, FHA had said no more than 15% of the unit owners could be 30 days or more delinquent
. This was changed to no more than 15% could be 60 days or more delinquent with
Many associations with whom we have worked were able to get approved solely based on this change.
of this Mortgagee Letter. When I attended the HUD Roundtable session in Washington DC in March, HUD gave no indication that it had any intention of allowing this temporary guidance to come to an end. ...But talk about waiting to the last minute! (c) Can Stock Photo / EyeMark